What is the 'golden thread' and could it stop you from getting lost in the health & safety labyrinth?  

Do you know when your next fire risk assessment is due? How about the number of first aid certificates that need to be renewed? If you don’t know, how long would it take for you to find out? How many people do you need to ask and how many different documents are you looking for? 

If just thinking about doing all that sounds exhausting, then you could benefit from a 'golden thread of information'. By employing a golden thread within your health and safety compliance practices, you can streamline your flow of information, ensuring your records are accurate, secure and up to date. 

What is the golden thread of information?

You may have heard the term ‘golden thread’ floating about in different building regulation and safety circles this year, but the phrase is much, much older. 

The golden thread meaning comes from the ancient Greek myth of Theseus and the Minotaur. In the story, the brave hero Theseus ventures into the Minoan labyrinth to slay the half-bull half-man monster that lives there. However, many before him lost their way and died in the labyrinth. After being gifted a golden thread by the princess, Ariadne, Theseus succeeds where the others could not. He used the golden thread to create a path that he could retrace and find his way out. 

So when we talk about a golden thread today, it acts as a metaphor for a way of creating a clear path in what would otherwise be a confusing and disorientating journey. But what does this have to do with health and safety?

Following the tragedy of the Grenfell Fire in 2018, the UK government conducted an independent review of building regulations and fire safety. As a result of this review, one recommendation was for there to be a ‘golden thread of information’ regarding the building and management of property to ensure safety. 

This was written into the (since withdrawn) 2022 Building Safety Bill. Here the golden thread is defined in two points as;

  • ‘the information about a building that allows someone to understand a building and keep it safe' 

  • 'the information management to ensure the information is accurate, easily understandable, can be accessed by those who need it and is up-to-date’.

So, when we think about a golden thread of information in health and safety terms, it is the management of the compliance data. Ensuring that vital information regarding the risk assessment, fire safety and other health and safety concerns relating to a building, is organised and accessible. 

What the golden thread means for health and safety compliance

Although the 2022 Building Safety Bill has been withdrawn, and the golden thread requirement with it, it’s still relevant to your compliance management. When thinking about your organisation, or your properties, how you manage health and safety is vital to keeping people safe and well. So, we want to make sure that any checks, assessments, maintenance and certification are carried out on time and to the best standard.

This is where the golden thread comes in, by creating accountability and organisation in health and safety management. Implementing a method to ensure compliance information is clear, accurate and up-to-date, is best practice to avoid anything from slipping through the gaps or getting lost.  You could even say this approach is a gold(en thread) standard.

Who is responsible for the golden thread?

The original 2022 Building Safety Bill defined three duty holders that are responsible for maintaining the golden thread. These are ‘those who commission building work, participate in the design and construction process and those who are responsible for managing structural and fire safety in the building when it is occupied.

If you manage property or are responsible for an organisation, you are the final duty holder of the health and safety golden thread for your building. Whether that is a school, store, office, or a whole portfolio of properties. Maintaining the golden thread with accurate and quality safety information will help ensure your organisation is not lost in the labyrinth of health and safety bureaucracy. 

How to create a health and safety golden thread of information?

Well, this is where Crysp comes in! If your organisation doesn’t yet have a system in place, then it could feel like trying to slay a mythological beast to streamline all the records and information you have. Our digital platform for compliance management is the golden thread you need. 

Through digitising and managing your compliance data, you’ll have health and safety at your fingertips. No more getting lost through dark and twisting corridors of countless paper forms and out-of-date information. Crysp can help you manage your health and safety admin, tailored to the specific needs of your organisation, so you have the time to focus on your business’ priorities. 

You’ll no longer be in the dark with our electronic document management system which ensures your policies and key documents are safe, centralised and easily visible to those who need them. And of course, we’re here to help you on your journey. We’ll set up your compliance virtual portal, populating it with the data you send us and give you training and full support on using the system. 

Using the Crysp platform, you’ll be notified of statutory updates and able to keep an eye on reactive maintenance issues. Taking care of your health and safety needs will be a breeze, with documents searchable within seconds, automated communication settings and easy regulation of data and user access. 

So if you need a golden thread for your organisation, contact Crysp for a chat about how we can simplify compliance and saving you time, money and stress.


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